Inhaled medicines works best for asthma as they go straight to the airways. Some of them are:
• Nebulizer – it simply breaks the liquid medicine into a mist that can be inhaled and slowly. However, children should always use a mask with their nebulizer.

• Metered dose inhaler – this device is capable of delivering aerosolized medication directly in to the airway.
• Dry powder inhaler – this device is capable of delivering micron sized particles that are so light weight and seem to float past the throat and into the airways.
• Oral medications – these are swallowed pills or liquids that reach the airway by circulating through the bloodstream.
Allergies in a human body can be due to various factors such as food, latex and dust. Mentioned below are three different medications that you can trust to provide significant relief from allergies with minimal side effects.
• Clarinex – this is one of the recent additions to the class of non-sedating antihistamines is useful for allergy symptoms through the night.
• NasalCrom – this medicine is used to prevent those allergies in which the people experience nasal itching, drainage and congestion.
• Singulair – this medicine is useful for people that suffer from both asthma and allergy. It is better at preventing allergy symptoms rather than treating them.
All the asthma and allergy medications should be taken after a necessary prescription and consultations from your physician as there are many people that might suffer from severe allergies and these medicines might react negatively.